
President – Marlana Sewell

Vice President – Hillary Bomgardner

Treasurer- Allison Cleve

Secretary- Tina Wu

Events Coordinator- Brynn Harris

Hospitality Coordinator- Deborah Coley

Volunteer Coordinator- Hope Grant

Membership and Rewards Coordinator- Lauren Barber

Faculty Representative - Wesley Pearson

CONTACT: woesptocc@gmail.com


The mission of WOES PTO is to unite the school faculty, parents, and community in a combined effort to secure monies, donations and materials to aid the school in its efforts toward achieving a quality education for the children, and to promote school-sponsored extracurricular activities for the WOES community.



We partner with Boxtops for Education, Coke Rewards Program, and Amazon Smile and these local grocery stores: LOWES FOODS *  PUBLIX   *  HARRIS TEETER.  Remember to link your membership rewards to White Oak Elementary & be sure to check your status. (Some stores require annual renewal).  

Download the Boxtops for Education app to your smart phone. Choose White Oak Elementary School (Cape Carteret)Then, simply scan your receipts! 

Download the Coke Rewards app to your smart phone.         Under the Coca-Cola Gives selection, Choose White Oak Elementary School (28584). Scan your coke caps & rewards labels.

CHOOSE “WHITE OAK ELEMENTARY Parent Teacher Organization” when you shop Amazon.




The Name of this organization shall be White Oak Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (WOES PTO) of Cape Carteret, NC.


The mission of WOES PTO is to unite the school faculty, parents, and community in a combined effort to secure monies, donations and materials to aid the school in its efforts toward achieving a quality education for the children, and to promote school-sponsored extracurricular activities for the WOES community.


This organization shall make it their purpose to raise money for the school and/or school system. This money shall be used to assist the school or school system with the purchase of equipment, supplies and awards or to be designated for the areas of need.

This organization is comprised of an elected Board, the parents of current students and current faculty that serve together as a team. An annual budget of expenditures must be presented for approval at the first general membership meeting of the school year for consideration and approval from the general membership.

This organization shall be a "nonprofit" organization. No profit will transfer to any member or other individual. If this organization should at any time dissolve, the assets are to be given to the school or the school system.

This organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan. It shall not endorse a commercial enterprise or a candidate or serve any other purpose than the regular work of the organization.

This organization shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf, or in opposition of any candidate for public office.

This organization shall work with the school to provide quality education for all children and youth and shall seek to participate in the decision-making process establishing policy, recognizing that the legal responsibility to make decisions has been delegated to the Board of Education.

This organization may cooperate with other agencies active in child welfare, such as conferences, groups or coordinating councils, provided its representative makes no commitments that bind the group he/she represents.

This organization shall be responsible to maintain working funds in the account to ensure that the upcoming Board will have funds to start the following year’s activities. This amount should be no less than $2000. If for any reason this obligation cannot be accomplished, the Board will be required to give written notice to the members of the new Board prior to the school year end.

This organization shall be responsible to allocate funds not less than $2000 per year to be placed in an interest bearing account, specifically used for playground maintenance or future playground additions. These funds may not be used for any other purpose.


An annual membership drive, targeting family of current students and faculty, will be initiated at the beginning of each school year. There will be no annual dues, however member donations may be collected to promote the membership drive. A copy of the bylaws is available in the school front office and online under the PTO link from the school homepage.


The officers of the WOES PTO Board shall consist of a President, Vice President   Treasurer, Secretary, Events Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Hospitality Coordinator, Membership and Rewards Coordinator and Faculty Representative.

Officers are elected to serve a one- (1) year term in their elected position on the PTO Board. They may choose to run for another term, but must be re-elected by the general membership. Officers will be limited to three (3) consecutive years holding the same position on the PTO Board. After three (3) years of the same position they can remain on the Board but are required to change positions.  PTO Board terms will run from June l thru May 31 of each year.

The PTO Board may hold a "Turnover Meeting" for the purpose of introducing new officers and exchanging information about the Board duties. No PTO funds shall be used to purchase meals or beverages at any meeting.

The PTO President will be the PTO Representative on the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) and attend meetings regularly to share PTO news and plans. Dual positions on PTO and PAC by any other board member is not allowed.

Nominations for elected offices will be solicited through the current PTO prior to the last PTO general membership meeting, and from the floor during the meeting itself.  Election of the new officers will take place as the last item of business at this general membership meeting.  At that time, each candidate seeking election will be:

·       given time to present their qualifications, explain their interest in the desired position and solicit questions from the meeting audience;

·       asked to leave the room as votes are solicited and tallied;

·       asked to return to the room and thanked/congratulated.



The general membership community and current faculty and staff in attendance at the meeting may vote in the election of officers for the following term. 


Should an officer's position become vacant during the current term, it will be the operating PTO's responsibility to 1) determine if there is a need to fill the position, and 2) seek and select individuals to fill the position.


There shall be a least two (2) school staff members available to assist the PTO as needed. They are as follows:

  The school Principal (or the Principal 's representative)

  A faculty member (as a volunteer or appointee from the Principal)

These faculty representatives should be invited to every PTO meeting. Although their attendance is not mandatory, there may be special instances where the PTO may need them present or have them available for conference after their meeting.




                Attends all WOES Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meetings to present updates; informs PTO accordingly

                Serves as the leader of the group and a key contact for members, officers, and constituents

                Ensures all efforts are being directed toward meeting the groups goals and objectives

                Initiates and presides over all PTO meetings and ensures date/time, location and agenda are conflict-free with PTO Board and school-calendar events

                Opens meetings and introduces agenda speakers as needed

                Assigns tasks as needed to appropriate PTO officers

                Works with PTO Faculty Representative as needed

                Delegates and oversees all items requiring attention

                Performs other duties as needed to promote the success of the PTO and its events



                Fills in for President when absent

                Assists President as needed

                Fulfills obligations of other officers in their inability to serve

  Performs other duties as needed to promote the success of the PTO and its events



                Receives and responsible for all monies that pass through the organization’s doors.  Including money collected at events and fundraisers as well as disbursement of funds.

                 Keep accurate records of receipts/incoming and expenditures/outgoing money.

                Understands that no funds shall be obligated or dispersed without prior approval of the PTO Board.

                Presents financial reports at the PTO meetings.

•    Files necessary state and federal informational tax returns, sales & use tax refund requests & other applicable regulatory items 

•    Performs other duties as needed to promote the success of the PTO and its events



                Records and maintains minutes of the PTO meetings. Publish the minutes on PTO’s Facebook page and WOES website.

                Ensures action items are recorded and followed up in a timely basis. To include key points discussed at each meeting to maintain open and transparent communication.

                Ensures communication of WOES PTO events to the community (calendar).

                Performs other duties as needed to promote the success of the PTO and its events

Events Coordinator:

                Works closely with the President and Treasurer to plan school and community outreach events and fundraisers throughout the year.

                Performs other duties as needed to promote the success of the PTO and its events

Volunteer /Communication Coordinator:

                Collaborates with key members of PTO to coordinate volunteer assignments as needed.

                Sends email reminders to all PTO volunteers for special events and opportunities to volunteer.

                Instructs volunteers on their role/job while volunteering

                Performs other duties as needed to promote the success of the PTO and its events

Hospitality Coordinator:

                Oversees all hospitality events and committees responsible for school staff luncheons, teacher appreciation week, school personnel days and special occasions

                Performs other duties as needed to promote the success of the PTO and its events

Membership and Rewards Coordinator:

          Responsible to solicit PTO membership at designated events.

          Promote the rewards program. Collect and input data as needed to acquire reward points.

          Performs other duties as needed to promote the success of the PTO and its events



School principal (or representative):

                Provides school calendar information and assists with questions impacting the school and staff

                Offers suggestions/comments as needed to benefit the school/staff

                Serves as mediator and determines best interests of the school

                Performs other duties as needed to promote the success of the PTO and its events


Faculty Representative:

                Represents school faculty and school concerns

                Seeks assistance for PTO functions from faculty/staff when needed

                Performs other duties as needed to promote the success of the PTO and its events






Revisions to these bylaws will be drafted by the presiding Board and presented to the general membership for approval.


Revised, June 5, 2023